The neighborhood lake located off of North Penn Drive is the anchor point for many of the neighborhood activities throughout the year. There is a small beach, a picnic area, and in the summer there is a roped off swimming area with lifeguard on duty. The lake itself is approximately 3 acres in size. There is 23 acres total of common property, which the NHCA was formed to care for in 1958. An annual dues fee of $150 per household is collected to cover the cost of maintaining and insuring the property.
Neighbors are welcome to use the lake and grounds for functions. What a beautiful setting to have a gathering. Anyone who is interested in hosting an event at the lake must submit a request in writing to the President of the North Hill Civic Association Board.
Local firefighters periodically use our lake for various training exercises. It is not uncommon to see two or three fire trucks parked near the lake on summer evenings, with hoses pumping large volumes of water almost all the way across the lake. They also use boats and search lights to conduct rescue training operations. Sand Wasps - These pale yellow and black striped wasps sometimes hover over the sand at the lake during the summer. These harmless insects burrow into the sand to create their nest. If you don't bother them, they won't bother you.
Unfortunately, the lake and common areas are also home to ticks. Ticks do not necessarily die once cold weather arrives, though they do become less active. They will live in brush and high grass all year long, waiting for a meal - and are therefore able to transmit Lyme Disease any time of year. Be sure to check yourself, your children, and outdoor pets for ticks after you venture into these areas.